السلام عليكم أحبتي
اللهم صلي على محمد وعلى آل محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم..
Said ... Suleiman, peace be upon him sitting on the shores of the Caspian Sea, carrying Vbesr Benmelp
Grain of wheat goes out towards the sea, Solomon Making seen until it reached
If water Dvdap had removed her head from the water, opened so the Faja
Ant and the frog got into the sea for long hours, and Suleiman ponders
The ones. Frog and exited from the water and opened Faja Mass
Ant was not with the bean, Vdaaha Solomon, peace be upon him and he asked her, and would
Where was? , Said: "O Prophet of God, that in the bottom of the sea, which it deems a rock
In the hollow worm combine blind, was created by God there is not
Estimates that out of her to the request, and has Klny Brozkha God. I
I bring a livelihood, and mocked God leads me to the frog it hurts
In the water, and put the Faja Rock and made a hole, and then if delivered
Subsistence and out of the hole where the boulder from the sea Vtakrziny
Said Solomon, peace be upon him: Did you have heard of the hymn?
She said: Yes
You do not forget me in this Committee Goff Your mercy
Do not forget Your worshipers believers you livelihoods